This blog is created for the purpose of an in-depth study on Vietnam for the subject: Tourism, Culture and Society

Temasek Polytechinic 2010
Monthly archive
Other sources
Books used:
Vietnam on the move by Lady Borton
Vietnam Today: A Guide to a Nation at a Crossroads by Mark A. Ashwill
National Geographic Traveller: Vietnam by James Sullivan

Layout by 16thday and accordian scripts from dezinerfolio.
Monday, December 6, 2010 , 9:21 PM

Vietnamese language is the main language spoken, followed by English. Some elderly or educated people are able to speak French and Chinese( due to the result of the French Colonization and Chinese domination.)

The Vietnamese language

five diacritical marks differentiate these tones:
flat tone no mark
high rising ' (sac)
low falling ` (huyen)
falling-rising, constricted ? (hoi)
high-rising broken ~ (nga)
low-falling, short constricted . (nang)

27 consonants:
b, c, ch, d (equivalent to the English Z), Ç, g, gh, gi, h, k, kh, l, m, n, ng, ngh, nh, ph (equivalent to F), q, r, s, t, th, tr, v and x

12 vowels:
a, e, i, o, u, y and these derivatives a(, a^, e^, o^, o+, u+
